Art Projects

Big Muddy Published Art

A linoleum piece titled "Welcome to the Office". Based off of a bit of poetry. This piece was published in the Bug Muddy Fall 2018 issue.

This was the linoleum block I carved to make the above piece. A black rubber ink and wooden press was used for creating the print.

The piece can be found on page 60, right next to the poem it was based off of.

Cover of the Fall 2018 Big Muddy journal.

Other Art Pieces

Some art that I did during my AR104: 2D Design course. All of these art pieces are abstract, with each one focusing on a different principle of 2D design.

Grid project. Each cell is meant to be unique but to connect to the other pieces in some manner. There are 16 cells with 4 groups of 4 basic designs. Can you spot them all?

Texture project.
1st column - actual texture
2nd column - zoomed in drawing of actual texture
3rd column - abstract texture based upon the actual

Titled "Freedom of Choice is Binary", cause you either have it or you don't. This piece was meant to be a form of self expression. The pink paint on top is actually from some hair that we were required to place upon our prints to make them more abstract.

Pieces in this composition: eagle (american), fedora (computer technology enthusiast), N64 controller (first game system I owned), binary (computer coding), book (J > R stands for "Jesus > Religion"), coffee (can't live without it) lightbulb (love coming up with ideas).

A typography piece that I based off a poem I had wrote, simply titled "Lion".

Curvilinear line project.

Diagonal line project titled "Capitalism".