Student Media Checkout

An equipment checkout system made for the Department of Mass Media at Southeast Missouri State University. This system was used to assist in keeping track of equipment and checking items out to Mass Media students. Made with C# and Asp.Net web forms.

The page users would see upon logging in. There's an interface for staff for the full program, and an interface for students for the equipment request feature only.

The main menu. User menus won't be shown here for confidentiality purposes.

Students fill out this form to request equipment. An email is sent to a designated account to notify the department.

Staff use this interface to checkout the equipment. Equipment that is already checked out or has not been restocked is filtered out.

This page is used for checking in returned equipment.

Once the equipment has been checked in and examined, it can be restocked to be made available for checkout again.

Staff can add, remove, or edit equipment.